2006 Bay Valley Wednesday's Golf League Info

Schedule updated 7/13/06     Rules updated 7/13/06    Fees updated 7/13/06

Thanks for a great season!  We have room for more teams, so spread the word!

I should have yearbooks out (and any money) by the end of next week (9-28th or 29th)...

Here are individual scores for the year...



9-13-06   Week 20   2nd Half Playoff Results

9-06-06   Week 19

8-30-06   Week 18

8-23-06   Week 17

8-16-06   Week 16

8-09-06   Week 15

8-02-06   Week 14

7-26-06   Week 13

7-19-06   Week 12

7-12-06   Week 11 - Start of 2nd Half

7-05-06   Week 10  -  1st Half Playoffs

6-28-06   Week 9

6-21-06   Week 8   Cancelled/Rain, Course too wet for play!

6-14-06   Week 7

6-07-06   Week 6

5-31-06   Week 5   Cancelled/Rain

5-24-06   Week 4

5-17-06   Week 3

5-10-06   Week 2

5-03-06   Week 1


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