2009 Bay Valley Wednesday's Hook & Slice Golf League Info

Everyone needs this =>  USGA Rule of the Day 

 League Rules

League Schedule & Roster  Adjusted 4/29/09 10:30 am

League Fees  Adjusted 4/29/09 10:30 am

Weekly results:

9-16-09  Week 20 - Fun Night Format - Pairings

9-09-09  Week 19 - 2nd Half Position Playoffs

9-02-09  Week 18

8-26-09  Week 17

8-19-09  Week 16

8-12-09  Week 15

8-05-09  Week 14

7-29-09  Week 13

7-22-09  Week 12

7-15-09  Week 11

7-08-09  Week 10 - Start of 2nd Half

7-01-09  Week 9 - 1st Half Position Playoffs

6-24-09  Week 8

6-17-09  Week 7

6-10-09  Week 6

6-03-09  Week 5

5-27-09  Week 4

5-20-09  Week 3

5-13-09  Week 2

5-06-09  Week 1

4-29-09  Cancelled due to weekend rain, course flooded

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