2011/2012 Apple Mountain Adult Race League!
End of Season-Start of Summer Party - Potluck/Kegger
Saturday - May 12th 2012
4:00 p.m. 'til ????
Hosted by Josh & Kerrie Spinney1440 Birchfield Rd. Saginaw, MI 48609
(Southwest of Geddes and Miller Rd)
Jethro's grill should be ready by 4:30 p.m. and we will be tapping a keg at 4:00 p.m.!!
Donations will be accepted to offset cost of keg(s)!
B.Y.O.L.&M. (liquor&meat) AND a Dish to Pass!
Open to current racers, prospective races or anyone who drinks!
So bring your friends and neighbors (this is open to the public)...
Click on the "minus" symbol to zoom out on the map...
Your web/ski meister can be reached by email at timskis@charter.net
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