2012 Apple Mountain Adult Race League!


Click here for party info!

2012  Final Standings
Northern Lites 242
Apple Renegades 231
Patroller's 168


03/08/2012  Week 8 - Workers: Apple Renegades  CANCELLED...

03/01/2012  Week 7 - Workers: Patroller's

02/23/2012  Week 6 - Workers: Northern Lites  Retro Night - Wear old skis/clothing - bring those old photo albums too!

02/16/2012  Week 5 - Workers: Apple Renegades  Rental Skis Night

02/09/2012  Week 4 - Workers: Patroller's 

02/02/2012 Week 3 - Workers: Northern Lites 

01/26/2012  Week 2 - Workers: Apple Renegades

01/19/2012  Week 1 - Workers: Patroller's

01/12/2012  Week 1 - Workers: Northern Lites  CANCELLED...

01/05/2012  - Practice Night-Dual Courses (one course timed) Workers: Apple Renegades



Your web/ski meister can be reached by email at timskis@charter.net


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